Airsoft Matches Find your next match! find matches 01 02 Matches around the clock The next match is already waiting! Find matches 02 01

find Matches

All airsoft matches collected in one place.

So you don’t miss a single match!

register Matches

You want to draw attention to your match?

Register it on our platform and let the community do the rest!


Find exciting airsoft matches & compete with others. Register your match and benefit from the community.


Our blog is a collection of knowledge about the sport of airsoft. From news to legal updates to gear and more!


We are currently working on the tutorials! They will be available soon. Sign up for the newsletter and be there at the start!


We want to keep the sport of airsoft simple, transparent and modern. For this reason, any person or organizer can register their event with us. No matter whether it is a match, training or course, we offer you our international platform. The registration of events is completely free,
No matter how many participants!

This is how the process works:

  1. Check here whether your event has already been created
  2. If your event is not listed, go to the relevant registration page
  3. Enter your match and organizer details
  4. Then send the form
  5. We will check your details and get back to you
  6. After a short discussion, we transfer the data into our system
  7. Your match and you as the organizer are now registered
  8. Participants can access it and book tickets (external for now)

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